BRCGS Food Safety Issue 8
- By : Admin
- 15 October 18, 15:08

Issue 8 of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety was published on 1 August 2018 and Issue 7 will become redundant in February 2019, when the audits for version 8 will commence.
For this issue, the focus has been on understanding stakeholders’ requirements and the developments affect the following main areas:
· New requirements for environmental monitoring
· Increased consideration of food safety culture
· New cyber security clauses for product security and food defence
· High risk, high care and ambient high care production risk zones
· Integration of pet food
· GFSI benchmarking and global applicability.
Food safety Standard Issue 8 also maintains the principles developed in Issue 7 regarding the incorporation of Additional Modules.
According to BRC, the new issue has consolidated key themes including ensuring global applicability and benchmarking to the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), encouraging the development of a food safety culture and expanding the requirements for environmental monitoring.